
Teaching A Traditional Core Curriculum

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Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy was founded in 1995 as one of Arizona’s first charter schools.

Our years of experience have allowed us to continuously evaluate and refine our curriculum, while always staying true to traditional teaching philosophies. Using test scores, pre/post yearly testing, parent surveys, and faculty/administrative research, we incorporate strategic planning strategies to improve each area of study. Parental input to academic areas is a hallmark of our philosophy. We are educating your children; you should have input into what is being taught. Contact our staff today for more information!

Core Curriculum

The core curriculum is classic, orderly, and sequential.


studies begin with Spalding phonics in kindergarten, progress to the Spalding Writing Road to Reading, and culminate with the study of Greek and Latin word roots in seventh and eighth grade. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are required across the curriculum. Classical literature is studied, and students memorize and recite prose and poetry.


studies include an accelerated Saxon math program. Memorization of basic math facts begins in kindergarten and is mastered by third grade. Students in grades 7 and 8 study algebraic concepts and are well prepared for high school.


studies stress the logical applications of basic scientific methods. The science laboratory and laboratory kits provide hands-on experience.


courses include geography, history, government, civics, and current events. Teachers relate the curriculum to literature studies. Patriotism is enhanced by the memorization of U.S. presidents, states and capitals, and portions of significant historical documents.

This classic curriculum, taught by qualified teachers in a stable, friendly learning environment, has helped Reid Traditional students earn some of the top test scores in Arizona. Contact us today with any questions or concerns!


Kindergarten Curriculum

Our kindergarten curriculum offers structure and organization, while teaching the basics of language arts, reading, and math. One of our standards is for kindergarteners to have the ability to read a small chapter book by winter break. Contact our staff at Reid Traditional Schools today for more information!

Grades 1-2 Curriculum

Our curriculum for 1st and 2nd grade focuses heavily on our core curriculum of language arts, math, social studies, and science. From learning 30 to 40 new spelling words each week to diving into both American and world history and geography, our students obtain a solid educational foundation within these early grades. Contact Reid Traditional Schools today!

Grades 3-6 Curriculum

The curriculum for our middle grades is filled with an introduction to cursive writing, reading classical literature, memorizing and reciting poetry, understanding complex writing techniques, reviewing basic math, an introduction to algebraic conceptions, geography, and science. Improving studying and research skills are also emphasized in these major developmental years of 3rd-6th grade.

Grades 7-8 Curriculum

Throughout these final years at Reid Traditional Schools, students polish their skills of reading and analyzing classical literature along with researching, writing, and debating. Students also advance their algebraic skills, social studies, as well as life and physical science. Contact a member of our staff today with any questions!

Special Area Classes

The academic core curriculum at Reid Traditional Schools is supplemented by art, music, physical education, world languages, and technology training to ensure that our students have a well-rounded education. By the end of their educational journey here at Reid Traditional Schools, students are set up for success in their high school career. Contact us today to get started!

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