The Essence Of Our Kindergarten Class
The atmosphere in kindergarten class is structured and organized. Students sit at desks, not tables, and earn real grades on real report cards. They are treated like students, so an excitement about learning and academic achievement is instilled early.
Kindergarten is also a time for excitement and memory making. Age-appropriate hands-on activities supplement the core curriculum and maintain interest as they expand learning. Contact Reid Traditional Schools today with any questions or concerns!
At Reid Traditional Schools, kindergarten students enjoy great academic success due to a strong core curriculum and a kind, nurturing environment. Our Half-Day kindergarten runs from 8:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. All-Day kindergarten is available free, and class ends at 2:15 p.m.
Kindergarten Curriculum Overview
The beginning of a child’s educational journey is one of the most important pieces to their success. Within our kindergarten curriculum at Reid Traditional Schools, we instill thorough knowledge of the basic three subjects — language arts, reading, and math. The strong foundation that they receive throughout their kindergarten year will propel them towards a successful educational career all the way through college. Contact a member of our staff today for more information!
Language Arts
The Spalding Writing Road to Reading phonics program is the cornerstone of our kindergarten curriculum. Both Painted Rock Academy and Valley Academy are Spalding Accredited Schools. Kindergarten students master all 70 phonograms in both written and oral practice. The understanding of phonograms lays the foundation to spelling and reading.
Our students expand their vocabulary by making good oral sentences. Spelling tests begin in the second quarter, and the skill of sentence dictation is added in the fourth quarter. The Spalding Method also includes clear instruction for handwriting. Contact us today with any questions about our language arts curriculum!


Reid Traditional Schools’ kindergarten students can read within the first 90 days of school! By the third quarter, students read weekly books in class, with a home reading program required in the fourth quarter. They begin learning to distinguish fact from fiction, as well as to identify character, setting, plot, problems, and resolutions.
An appreciation of literature and poetry is also imparted. Kindergarteners memorize and recite short selections of poetry. Two examples of these poems are “Treasures” by R. L. Stevenson and “Wind” by Christina Rossetti. These classical components are something that have gotten lost in many modern curricula, but we understand and cherish the value it continues to provide our students.
Reid Traditional Schools uses the Saxon math curriculum plus supplemental activities. Math begins with supportive manipulatives and moves on to concepts and skills with sufficient practice and understanding. Students can count and write to 100 by ones, twos, fives, and tens.
Students become familiar with the addition and subtraction combinations to 10 and the concepts of halves and symmetry. They are introduced to basic geometry, measuring time, length, and weight. Kindergarteners practice patterning, ordinals, and become accustomed to story problems for mental math. Contact Reid Traditional Schools in Phoenix today to learn more!

Reid Traditional Schools
Our schools are dedicated to providing a traditional education that assists students in discovering their full academic potential. All of this is achieved through practice and kind corrections in a nurturing, gentle environment. Our passionate kindergarten teachers tell their students, “With my help, you can do this”, and our students believe them. Contact a member of our staff at Reid Traditional Schools today to enroll your child in one of our kindergarten classes!