What Is Traditional Education?

Leading Students To Academic Excellence

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Do you believe in a basic and limited school curriculum?

Do you believe that both parents and teachers should have a say in the educational process?

Do you believe that children should be held accountable for their actions at school, even though it means establishing “tough” consequences?

Do you want a safe environment that features a warm, congenial atmosphere that is also firm and fair?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, you probably believe in traditional education. However, there is more to it than this.

Reid Traditional Schools’ is established as a traditional style school. It gives parents an alternative to the regular neighborhood school. We have a “back to the basics” format in which much emphasis is placed on reading, writing (penmanship and creative writing), and mathematics. Contact our staff in Phoenix today for additional information!

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Our Guiding Principles For Traditional Education

  • We will create an atmosphere conducive to the pursuit of academic excellence.
  • We will teach students to read, write, speak, spell, and compute accurately and effectively.
  • Our teachers will train students in the logical application of the scientific method.
  • Our teachers will challenge students to do their best by requiring that all work be done properly and on time.
  • Our students will learn the fundamental principles of citizenship, discipline, respect, and personal responsibility.
  • Our students will know and understand our history, heritage, and government.
  • We will help students develop strong morals and excellent character.
  • We will help students develop a spirit of individual achievement and appropriate competition

Our Traditional Education Methods

In order to accomplish the guiding principles listed above, we use methods that set us apart from other schools and from the heart of traditional education. Contact our veteran teaching staff today with any questions or concerns!

We offer an advanced curriculum.

  • Our early reading and language arts program is based on an intense phonics system, which has proven to be highly successful.
  • The curriculum is standardized throughout the grade levels.
  • Emphasis is placed on dictation, memorization, recitation, and whole-group teaching techniques.
  • Creative writing is encouraged. Teachers grade the mechanics as well as the content.

We encourage traditional methods of teaching.

  • Drill and practice are a regular part of the educational program.
  • Meaningful homework is a regular part of the school day for all students. Homework reinforces work that has been practiced in the classroom so that students will be able to experience success along with challenges.
  • Sufficient practice is given to each concept to ensure that it is mastered.
  • Parents are involved in the learning process.
  • Classroom arrangement highlights individual achievement and accomplishment.

The entire school is structured to support academic achievement.

  • Classroom interruptions are kept to a minimum. Pull-out programs are avoided. Announcements are scheduled.
  • Structured classrooms emphasize appropriate student behavior. Each classroom provides a quiet, orderly atmosphere in which learning can occur.
  • Parents are involved in the development and implementation of school programs. A strong parent organization is key to the success of a traditional school.

We provide a safe, wholesome environment.

  • All teachers strictly enforce discipline as a team.
  • A strong dress code is established and is strictly enforced.
  • There is no tolerance for all forms of violence and substance abuse.

The Positive Impact Of Traditional Education

With our “back to the basics” approach at Reid Traditional Schools, we are able to provide an enhanced education experience for our students that provides a positive impact in multiple areas. Our well-rounded, advanced curriculum teaches students everything from the classics to being efficient with today’s technology. This provides a strong and stable foundation for the rest of their educational career through high school and beyond. We have structured our traditional schools so that our students have to put in the work and genuinely earn their successes. With a strong education foundation, discipline, and good values, we have seen first-hand the positive impact that Reid Traditional Schools have had on our students.

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Reid Traditional Schools

At Reid Traditional Schools, we truly believe that the best thing you can do for your child is provide them with a solid, traditional education. Our charter schools allow parents, as well as our veteran staff, to have a say in how and what the students learn while in class and at home. When you choose Reid Traditional Schools, you can rest assured that your child is getting a quality education that will benefit them for their entire life. Apply online today to get started!

Our Achievements