New Classrooms Taking Shape at Valley Academy

man operating chopsaw

Now that the walls and ceiling are complete, things are moving quickly in the new building. A fresh layer of white concrete fill prepares the block walls for future paint. The outside curved awnings are being welded into place. Inside, classrooms are being framed. Each step of the way, design details are discussed and plans…

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Construction Update Part Six: Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches Before the First Students Arrive [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] As we all know, the students’ favorite part of the day is recess, and what better place to spend it than on a brand new playground? There are multiple places to slide, swing, and climb on this equipment. Wood chips will soften any unexpected hard landings.…

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Grand Opening Celebration

Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening Ceremony at Painted Rock Academy, August 9, 2013 [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] Excitement ran high as the parents, faculty, staff, board members, and business partners of Painted Rock Academy waited for the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to begin. Surely no one anticipated this evening with more pride than the Reid…

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