Valley Academy Pours Concrete Slab

smoothing concrete slab

The first section of Valley Academy’s new building’s concrete floor was poured on Friday, September 30th. Work began well before dawn, around 3:00 a.m. A concrete pumping truck directed the wet concrete through a tube suspended from high above the prepared floor area. As the concrete was poured, teams of workers quickly smoothed and leveled…

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Boosterthon Fundraiser Underway at Painted Rock Academy

principal and announcer at pep rally

Painted Rock Academy’s largest fundraiser of the year is happening now! Friday’s Pep Rally kicked off the event, and students are now collecting pledges for the laps they will complete in the Fun Run on Friday, October 7th (usually about 30-35 laps). The goal is to raise $20,000 to provide more shade structures on campus.…

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Footings Are In at Valley Academy!

As students and teachers settled in to school in early September, the construction of our new Administration and Early Childhood building became visible. Workers dug trenches, poured concrete, and laid block for the footings. It’s starting to look like a real building! Soon they will pour the concrete slabs and begin raising the walls. Keep…

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