RTS Valley Academy Kicks Off New Construction

The 2016-2017 school year will be an exciting year of change at RTS Valley Academy, with new buildings being added and the remaining original portable buildings being removed at last! The projects have been scheduled carefully to avoid disruption to student learning, and even in transitional locations, we promise to continue to take good care of our Valley families. We appreciate your flexibility as well, as we work together to fulfill the dream of what we have always wanted Valley Academy to be.

So here are the beginnings of this large undertaking. RTS Valley Academy CEO Heidi Mitchell signed each document in this lineup. And you thought buying a house required a lot of paperwork! The first on-site indicator of the changes to come was the delivery, just a few days after school was out, of a storage trailer belonging to our construction company, D.L. Withers. We’ll be keeping you posted here as progress is made. We wish you a safe and happy summer.

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