Valley Academy: Welcome Home!

RTS Valley Academy’s new Administration/Early Childhood building is officially open! Many volunteers helped move offices, classrooms, and the VAPO Parent Room to the new building. Valley Academy celebrated the move-in with an Open House and tours on January 13th. The new playground, complete with a tricycle track, is hugely popular with the young students. Reid Traditional Schools is truly thankful to everyone who worked so hard to see the fulfillment of this 21-year dream! Soon you will see the old portable buildings disappear and watch the new gymnasium walls rise. What an exciting year for Valley Academy!

[twocol_one]men moving bookcase[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]people carryng furniture into office[/twocol_one_last]

[twocol_one]men outdoors moving tables[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]rolling carts of chairs into building[/twocol_one_last]

school building with open house dates

[threecol_one][/threecol_one] [threecol_one][/threecol_one] [threecol_one_last]boys on trikes[/threecol_one_last]