How a Traditional Education Compares to Homeschooling

The COVID-19 pandemic has done much to reshape the institution of education in this country. While many students in traditional education settings attended class from home, countless others transitioned into a homeschool environment, prompting many to consider alternatives to their child’s education. Traditional education and homeschooling might seem at odds with each other at times.…

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Why Reid Traditional Is the Original Traditional Education

What is traditional education? Traditional education is a style of teaching that emphasizes long-established customs and curricula that are seen as “traditional.” This style of education reinforces a “back-to-basics” curriculum and a student culture that’s geared towards academic success, high levels of student accountability, and close parent involvement in their child’s education. Traditional education is…

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Then & Now: School and Parents Work Together

Young girl stands in dirt by portable school buildings labeled 1995 Valley Academy. Circle insert of her mother in front of School Office building.

For Reid Traditional, it’s always been about the parents and teachers working together. Since 1995, when parents and teachers started our flagship school, Valley Academy, we’ve stayed true to this partnership. And in this unique year, Reid Traditional’s parents have really stepped up. Thank you. School/home teamwork has never been stronger, or more vital. Together,…

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