National School Choice Week

Smiling kindergarten girl holds sign "My teachers make it fun"

RTS Valley Academy celebrated National School Choice Week by asking their students to complete the phrase, “I love my school because…” This photo gallery displays some of their responses. Enjoy! And thank you for making Reid Traditional Schools your choice.

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Valley Academy Alum Shine at High School Graduation

collage of two teenagers in green graduation robes speaking at ceremony

Greenway High School’s graduation ceremony featured speeches by two former Valley Academy students. They led their graduating class academically, in the top 1%! Zaydee spoke on the power of your mind and believing in all you can achieve. Ben spoke of perseverance and not letting others’ opinions discourage you from pursuing your passions. He told…

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Valley Academy Hosts Read-In

boy, cowboy, and librarian post in front of his horse and trailer

RTS Valley Academy’s 2018 Read-In brought excitement to campus on Thursday, March 8th. Our students love books, but they love them even more when they are read aloud by our distinguished guests. This year’s readers included a cowboy historian (and his horse), a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office helicopter crew, a certified story teller, an author,…

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